May 19, 2015
- We're sponsored this week by Watchman Monitoring, a favorite tool of ours that should be in every professional consultant's toolkit.
Visit and sign up for your free trial to find out how Watchman Monitoring can keep an eye on your client machines and notify you of over 100 issues. Be sure to tweet @cmdctrlpwr #CCPsentme to support the show!
- Jerry discusses Apple Certifications and the workflow he used in preparing for the exam:
pple Training and Certification Website -
Peachpit Publications, Apple Training Series
Amsys App for the iPhone - Revise IT , Great training app and FREE!
Jerry's MacWorks Press Release For His ACTC Certification -
Online Press Release Distribution Service - PRWeb
"Stinkin' Badges" - The Treasure of Sierra Madre
Apple Certified Professionals Registry -
Sam Valencia's Company - InstructUs
Offering ACTC 101+201 Boot Camp, Managing
Apple Devices 2.0 - Deploying and Maintaining iOS 8 and Yosemite,
CLI 101 - Introduction to the Command-Line. Located In Farmington,
Connecticut and Tampa Florida
- Joe offers some Yosemite configuration tips in System Preferences and Apple Mail
- Sam Discuses An Issue That he is having with A Time Capsule Backup that is intermittenlty reporting erroneous dates between backups.
- Jerry discusses integrating multiple iPhoto Library’s into the new Apple Photos application and challenges that face the consumer.