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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Dec 29, 2020

Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2021 is a healthy and successful one.

Dec 22, 2020


-PsiMac and MacWorks joined forces for a Wi-Fi job. Sam was feeling very left out. 

-UniFi and Eero and go to equipment for Wi-Fi jobs. 

-Jerry & Joe go into detail about the job in an aging house with some wireless challenges.

-Using UniFi on this job, Joe talks about adjusting wireless uplink settings in the...

Dec 15, 2020


-After our show with Jon Brown of Grove Technologies, Joe wanted to listen again to absorb the information on things like pricing models. 

-Sam is exploring option for changing up his monthly number to a tiered system, similar to Grove Technologies. 

-As they get into the tiered option, the hosts begin...

Dec 8, 2020


-One of Sam’s clients shows off their new podcast studio. Sam stays silent about Command Control Power since he likely has spoken about them. 

-Joe blows Sam’s cover about how he used his new fancy Rode microphone backwards on a recent show. 

-We discuss our first mics. 

-As the guys check in about business...

Dec 1, 2020


-Adam Engst of TidBITS Content Network  joins us once again to talk business during COVID and some new opportunities.

-The last time we had Adam on was mid March, just after the world began to change.

-Joe observes how things are once again going in the wrong direction.

-As the president of his local runner’s...