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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Nov 21, 2023


-Jerry has a client with an Acrobat Pro issue that he’s seen before.

-Clients that Google answers try to offer their own advice.

-Some people expect things for free.

-Even with car features, some tracking features bother users.

-Jerry is thrilled to have Nudge working in Addigy for managing macOS software updates.

-Jerry sees an odd message that says “Failed to personalize the software update”.

-In general, software updates still seems to require third party options to work smoothly.

-The difficulty when clients misconstrue something you told them…

-Joe shares some thoughts on the latest Apple hardware and his client needs.

-Both Jerry & Joe have the new iPhone 15 and they provide their feedback.

-If you are selling your old iPhone, The Scripting OS X newsletter references some good advice from Apple about purchasing a used iPhone.