Jul 1, 2015
Recorded on June 2, 2015
We are honored to be sponsoring MacTech Pro Events. The next MacTech Pro Event is in Chicago on July 22, 2015. Get a special discount at mactech.com/events/cmdctrlpwr
Special thanks to Mike Kingsley of Kingsley Mac Consulting for joining us to discuss this great topic.
- Mike discusses his experience partnering with other consultants to share the ebb and flow of new client referrals
- considering growing the team vs. doing a partnership
- what to look out for when partnering
- how to transition clients to the concept of multiple consultants; getting comfortable with the new guy
- some clients prefer a "one man shop" with a single point of contact
- hiring an "admin" or office manager to receive calls, provide first level support, and act as a buffer
- running a GroupOn deal to generate new (usually residential) business for the new guy; repeat business can justify less up front earning
- attending and/or speaking at a business conference can generate business leads