Jun 19, 2018
-Joe is reporting from the streets of Boulder Creek, CA #vanlife
-Joe talks about the unglamorous life of living in a camper (down by the river)
-He actually references Marco Arment discussing camper stories on Accidental Tech Podcast: http://atp.fm
-Cellular difficulties creep up as Joe discusses using his cellular modem
-As a board member of a non-profit, Joe discusses his ability to score an unlimited data plan with Sprint: mobilecitizen.org
-Joe's transition has been surprisingly smooth after going on the road, largely due to his staff at PsiMac
-The disasters of Kerio / GFI are brought up once again
-Both Joe and Jerry have hosted CrashPlan PROe for clients. Joe is slowly migrating his users to BackBlaze. Jerry has decommissioned his PROe server.
-Since the root level Library is excluded from BackBlaze by default, Jerry provides a solution to use Carbon Copy Cloner to copy the data to the Documents folder, which would then be backed up.
-Joe's MacBook Pro had a bit of damage when purchased from a client. Now it is reporting "service battery". After deciding to send it to depot for repair, he shares his dealings with the process.
-As Jerry comments on Joe's name dropping in California, Joe recalls the SNL sketch called "The Californians" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jIBZjL8G5s