Oct 20, 2020
-Sam had an incident with salted spoons that will come back to haunt him someday.
-Quick Tips! Get your quick tips! Sam discusses converting the typical HEIC photo format when sites cannot understand that extension.
-Joe’s process for device setup and consistency is helping him in planning for future employees.
-Documentation is key. Not only for your staff, but for clients to see your professionalism.
-We get a peek into Jerry’s origins as an Apple consultant.
-Letting clients know that you have a plan or standard procedures gives them a sense of ease.
-Joe uses tools like Text Expander for his check lists.
-Photos libraries are dark and mysterious.
-Duplicate Annihilator and Power Photos are recommended de-duplicator apps for Photos.
-Do your clients know the difference between kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes?