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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Oct 18, 2022


-Sam went to the Jamf Nation User Conference and had the opportunity to meet up with long time supporters Jon Brown and Nate Cinal.

-Live Desktop 2 in Addigy is phenomenal. Joe shares his story of remote migrations using this feature.

-Joe also uses a caffeinate command to keep remote computers from going to sleep.

-Addigy received funding. Joe shares his thoughts.

-1Password is great but Joe & Sam still have a few concerns. Mostly over efficiencies in the product.

-Duplications in the Contacts app is still a thing apparently.

-A couple of Sam’s larger clients are asking for phone support. He’s exploring but wonders how much better it will be with non technical operators.

-Unlimited phone/email support brings us back to a recent Patreon only show where we discuss Creative Tech’s pricing plan with Tim Pearson.