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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Nov 21, 2023


-Jerry has a client with an Acrobat Pro issue that he’s seen before.

-Clients that Google answers try to offer their own advice.

-Some people expect things for free.

-Even with car features, some tracking features bother users.

-Jerry is thrilled to have Nudge working in Addigy for managing macOS software...

Mar 28, 2023


-On today’s show, we welcome Adam Engst of TidBITS Content Network.

-We review key features of phishing emails, as discussed in a recent TCN article.

-One of the newer tricks is to send the entire email as an image.

-Will better grammar pose a challenge to users detecting spam emails?

-It takes just a beat...

Apr 20, 2021


  • This week we are excited to be joined Alykhan Jetha, the founder, president, and CEO of Marketcircle.

  • Jerry talks about how impressed he is when he uses Daylite to run his own business.

  • AJ explains how he came around to creating the app Daylite when it was originally for their own needs.

  • Daylite was...

Dec 29, 2020

Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2021 is a healthy and successful one.

Dec 1, 2020


-Adam Engst of TidBITS Content Network  joins us once again to talk business during COVID and some new opportunities.

-The last time we had Adam on was mid March, just after the world began to change.

-Joe observes how things are once again going in the wrong direction.

-As the president of his local runner’s...