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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

May 28, 2019


Interview with Chris Stout of Stout Computer

-Chris shares how he and Sam met at the Jamf Nation User Conference (hint: it involves a Command Control Power t-shirt)

-Chris has a great and unique domain at  He discusses acquiring that domain and some of the initial challenges with a different URL...

May 21, 2019

Sam Valencia, Jerry Zigmont and Joe Saponare discuss working with Apple technology and clients. Drawn from their combined experience of over 20 years in the Apple Consultants Network, they discuss technical support issues both with the technology and working with clients.


- Jimmy Obomsawin at

May 14, 2019


-Sam discusses the work/life balance when he’s on the road

-Jerry describes being in “BusyCal Hell” with a small medical office. Joe & Sam weigh in with their thoughts

-As Jerry describes this situation as a hornet’s nest, it reminds Joe of Apple Knowledge Base Article HT201657 where they describe sync...

May 7, 2019

Special Thanks To Our VIP Sponsors!


-The Command Control Power team has a call to action to request reviews on iTunes to help support the show. And if you feel so inclined, become a patron:

-Joe has experienced some oddities when using Messages at times when he has poor...