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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Mar 31, 2020


-Jerry talks of how business has slowed down for him since all of the recent events have occurred

-Joe has been busy setting up remote access for corporate clients and he hasn’t felt an impact as of yet

-Sam starts to broach the subject of maintaining security on home computers

-One of Sam’s client laid off...

Mar 24, 2020


-Thank you to all of our newest Patreon sponsors:
Daniel Carroll
Tim Hannon
Sikko Lucas
Nick Harvey
Sara Gepp - Close to the Earth IT
AJ Protebka - Campfire Technology Group
Remie Cremers - Tesla Pro Tips


We welcome Adam Engst from TidBITS back to the show!

-Adam comes in to discuss the current times and...

Mar 17, 2020


-Jerry & Sam sit down to talk about how current times are affecting our businesses

-Next week we will have Adam Engst from The TidBITS Content Network to talk more about tips for operating our businesses during trying times

-Sam describes reaching out to monthly clients to make them aware of remote support for...

Mar 10, 2020


-Deliveries is a great app from JuneCloud to track shipments for your business or your clients from any carriers

-Very top of mind is the delay of shipments from China due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

-It is reminiscent of the shortage of SSD drives...

Mar 3, 2020

Watchman Monitoring


-Command Control Power has a few new Patreon sponsors to announce. Thank you to the following patrons for responding to our call:
Bruce Corson
Rocco Russo
Kevin Cox
Steven Kurtz

-Joe wants to know how many billable hours his fellow consultants bill in a given week

-Sam & Jerry quickly produce their numbers as...