Jan 5, 2016
Recorded in December 2015
We are sponsored this week by Gruntwork by
Mac-MSP. Gruntwork is the ultimate
managed service package for you and your clients. "Think of what
you would do when trying to solve a user’s support request: run a
disk verification utility. Run permission repair. Update the
affected software to the latest version. With Gruntwork, those
chores have already been accomplished. Your
time spent troubleshooting issues is greatly reduced when the
common maladies are already ruled out. Better yet, Gruntwork
prevents many common problems, so the Mac just works and you can
focus on higher level tasks for your client."
Find out more at - http://mac-msp.com/gruntwork and tell them
CCP sent you.
We begin the New Year with a great interview featuring Jonathan Spiva, Founder of 74bit and Director of IT. We discuss his unique approach to supporting his clients by offering Monthly Services vs a Managed Service approach. This concept of "IT as a service" is unique and offers a compelling alternative to other managed service models.
Jonathan Spiva has spent years working for technology support companies up and down the West Coast. While his passion with clients has always been primarily with OS X, he also has expertise managing Windows and Linux infrastructures. Jonathan considers himself a very forward looking technologist focusing on best of breed and modern solutions over more traditional options.
Jonathan currently holds many Apple certifications including current Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC) & Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP). He is also a Certified Casper Administrator (CCA), Casper Mobile Administrator (CMA), Certified JSS Administrator (CJA) and Certified Casper Expert (CCE), for JAMF Software’s Casper Suite.
You can read even more about his experience and connect with Jonathan on LinkedIn, Twitter @jonnyspiva or his personal website, jonathanspiva.com
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