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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Jun 26, 2018


This week we have the pleasure of being joined by Mark Larocque, Sales Manager of Synology America Corp.


Mark's Bio:
Founded in Vancouver, Canada up until 2015, where I relocated to Seattle, I have a Computer Programming diploma as well as an Adult Education diploma.  Have always had passion for all things tech...

Jun 19, 2018



-Joe is reporting from the streets of Boulder Creek, CA #vanlife

-Joe talks about the unglamorous life of living in a camper (down by the river)

-He actually references Marco Arment discussing camper stories on Accidental Tech Podcast:

-Cellular difficulties creep up as Joe discusses using...

Jun 12, 2018


This week we are proud to be sponsored by FLEXdesk, an offering from our friends at Rooted Consulting.  FLEXdesk - Help Desk support that grows with you


-Jerry talks about his recent experiences working with out friends at TidBITS Content Network:

-Sam is disappointed in our train show...

Jun 5, 2018


-One of Jerry's local clients needs assistance with updating the OS.  He ends up working on it off-site and doing his magic to bring it back to life.

-The guys discuss working off-site vs in front of the client's eyes as well as keeping equipment like external monitors on hand

-Sam talks about setting up...