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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

May 26, 2015

We're sponsored this week by MacTech Pro Events, designed for the professional tech or consultant who supports Apple technologies.

If you're a professional tech or consultant supporting Apple technologies, MacTech Pro Events are designed specifically for you, the Apple tech. As a CMD-CNTL-PWR listener, you get a...

May 19, 2015

-  We're sponsored this week by Watchman Monitoring, a favorite tool of ours that should be in every professional consultant's toolkit.

Visit and sign up for your free trial to find out how Watchman Monitoring can keep an eye on your client machines and notify you of over 100 issues. Be...

May 14, 2015

Recorded live on May 5, 2015

This week we are celebrating our 100th episode!  It might have been wishful thinking when we started out with three-digit episode numbers back at #001, but that foresight came to be, less than two years after starting the show. (Let's try not to go higher than episode 999.)

We did something...

May 4, 2015

Recorded on April 28, 2015

This week we are pleased to be joined by Alex Narvey of Precursor Systems, based in Winnipeg, Canada. Alex is known for promoting the RAIS concept, which is a method to maintain a "hot standby" server using Target Disk Mode and a mirrored RAID.

R.A.I.S. stands for Redundant Array of...

100 shows!

May 2, 2015

We're celebrating our 100th episode with a live show on 5/5, and we're inviting listeners to join us on air for a quick hello –

Send us your Skype username and we'll talk to you then!

Please use the contact form to send us your Skype...