Nov 27, 2013
Recorded live on November 26, 2013
Joe installed Knock app last week and noticed that it moved itself from the ~/Downloads folder to the /Applications folder without needing to authenticate despite being logged into a standard user account. Joe checked permissions on /Applications and found that the folder...
Nov 21, 2013
Recorded live on November 19, 2013
- Day 392: the Mac mini held hostage
- Apple Configurator insight/anecdote from Jerry; 20 device limit syncing to MacBook Air
- cleaning the dyld cache and font cache
- OnyX, Cocktail, CleanMyMac, TechTool Pro, DiskWarrior, memtest with 7 loops, Disk Utility's verify disk,
Nov 19, 2013
Recorded on November 5, 2013
- RackSpace offers Exchange hosting, mail hosting, managed SharePoint hosting
- public cloud vs. private cloud vs. hybrid
- "Fanatical Support" and the Fanatical Straightjacket award ceremony
- O'Fixies, the internal support "bar" at RackSpace HQ
- OpenStack, partnership with NASA;...
Nov 13, 2013
Recorded live November 5, 2013
- Apple Configurator and the issue with Find My iPad and Activation Lock
- using Apple Configurator in combination with a cloud-based MDM solution; e.g. AirWatch with AirWatch app
- LinkedIn proxying emails using its LinkedIn Intro service; see also
- MTC vs. MTC+: MTC focuses...
Nov 5, 2013
Recorded live on October 29, 2013
- Clients upgrading to Mavericks, and then asking for help
- Jerry's medical practice client finds out MacPractice is not yet Mavericks compatible
- Joe's clients encounter trouble with Juniper VPN and SoftRAID
- Sam's client encounters problems with Zimbra, VPN Tracker
- run...