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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Nov 28, 2023

Sam Valencia, Jerry Zigmont and Joe Saponare discuss working with Apple technology and clients. Drawn from their combined experience of over 20 years in the Apple Consultants Network, they discuss technical support issues both with the technology and working with clients.

Nov 21, 2023


-Jerry has a client with an Acrobat Pro issue that he’s seen before.

-Clients that Google answers try to offer their own advice.

-Some people expect things for free.

-Even with car features, some tracking features bother users.

-Jerry is thrilled to have Nudge working in Addigy for managing macOS software...

Nov 14, 2023

Sam Valencia, Jerry Zigmont and Joe Saponare discuss working with Apple technology and clients. Drawn from their combined experience of over 20 years in the Apple Consultants Network, they discuss technical support issues both with the technology and working with clients.

Nov 7, 2023



-We are pleased to welcome Mike Bombich, creator of Carbon Copy Cloner.

-He tells a story of losing data that inspired his creation of Carbon Copy Cloner.

-Mike spent 8 years as a creative with Apple.

-CCC was initially donation-ware.

-He never wanted to put any barrier between you and your...