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Command Control Power • Apple Tech Support & Business Talk

Oct 12, 2015

Recorded "Live" on October 6, 2015

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Thanks to:
Kevin Ginger, kGinger Consulting, JD Strong, Strong Solutions, Daniel Escobar, Proactechs for their support.


- El Capitan - The first week, anecdotes and observations

Outlook 2011, OS X El Capitan and the Pinwheel of Patience

The fix is in! Released after Our Show - Fix For 2011
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 14.5.6 update

No more Repair Permissions

- Chat about Apple Watch 2.0 and length of time it takes to ring. Clients indiscriminately downloading the latest OS. Where do you listen to podcasts?

- Joe shares a story about his wife, Ashley going to the Apple Store with a broken iPhone. 
One of our listeners writes: "The stores are so overwhelmed with folks that have damaged devices and no AppleCare that they have taken this defensive stance. It's actually a rarity for someone to have coverage."

The psychology/negotiating stance of Apple when a user walks into the store to replace a damaged iPhone.

Still one of my favorites - Lady goes crazy at an Apple Store

- Power cycle Time Capsule and AirPort Express to resolve failure to pass Bonjour traffic.